Echo's Caregiver Mobile App Enables Caregivers to be Part of the Care Team and Make an Impact

Caregivers are critical to successful outcomes, yet less than 10% are actively involved in therapy. Echo actively facilitates caregiver involvement from the start, extending the care team and helping caregivers make an impact in their child's therapy.

Echo Captures and Measures Progress Data for Health Plans and Providers

Echo is the first and only assessment clearinghouse for autism therapy that captures and measures progress data for health plans and providers. The Echo Assessment Clearinghouse digitizes key progress data and highlights progress & regression indicators, allowing health plans to make informed decisions as early as possible.

Echo Augments Caregiver Training, Enabling Providers to Serve More Clients

Providers are stretched thin and face resource constraints.
Echo helps providers complete caregiver training, enabling them to take on additional clients and be more efficient.

Echo's caregiver mobile app serves as a bridge between caregivers and providers, helping caregivers complete training and achieve treatment goals.